James the Mime

Netflix "Alone"

I've been watching "Alone" on Netflix. I watch it every season. If you don't know, they drop ten people, who are people that make their living teaching others how to live in the wild, off in a remote area of rural Alaska alone with only a few supplies and the one who lasts the longest gets five-hundred thousand dollars.

Many whine and cry, literally, about their wives and families, most complain non-stop about how they need to get food that day. It's a pretty good show and I know they all last a lot longer than I would in the same situation. One thing I've learned from the show: most are always preparing to live. By this I mean they save their fish, or store their berries or smoke their meat in case they need it on a future day. I don't know if it's scripted, but what always seems to happen is the smoked food gets maggots, or a squirrel comes and steals a piece of fish. If they would simply eat the food, they would be strong and then be OK to hunt more. But they never do this.

My lesson from this: don't save the goodies. In writing and performing, I'll "give my best stuff." Nothing is every achieved by saving your best self.