James the Mime


A few years ago, I went to an interview with the screenwriter John August at the Rancho Mirage Library. It was the usual I'm-successful-you're-not style of interview. In fact, I remember very little of what was said.

One thing that struck me as odd was that during the Q & A section, an elderly woman (everyone is "elderly" in RM. lol) stood up and said, "I'm a published novelist and I'm interested in working with a screenwriter to turn my novel into a movie."

Without much thought, John August rattled on and said, "Approach different screenwriters with a letter. Tell them about your novel, pitch it to them and see if they will want to work with you." Not bad advice, I remember thinking. The woman said, "Well, I think you're the cat's meow. What about you? Will you work with me?" He said, "No. But I like that. The cat's meow. Next question."

I thought to myself, he could have said, hey it's difficult. Screenwriters are busy people. Or, why not shoot the movie yourself? In today's world, with today's technology it's easier than ever. Or, they really want bestsellers. But here he was giving her very specific advice and actions to take, which he himself wouldn't accept. It was as if he was saying, "Well, just go out and waste your time."

I remember getting into a tiff with a popular TV writer who posted on Twitter that TV writing was equivalent to being a medical doctor. Seriously? As if being a doctor could be replaced with AI. My friend, who's lived all over the world, as have I, stated, and I agree, that Americans seem to think they're the center of the world. And Hollywood thinks they're the center of America. Nothing is further from the truth.