James the Mime

Generation X

I'm Generation X. Now, people are making fun of us all the time and I guess it's sometimes deserved. However, our parents' generation didn't have kids because they wanted kids. They had kids because that's what people did in the 1950's and 1960's. They had kids. Period. As a result, we kids were left alone to fend for ourselves a lot of the time and kids simply took care of each other. Yes, if there was a major crying fit we went and fetched a parent, but overall we were on our own. Granted, it was a safer world back then. Molestation and abuse took place, just no one talked about it. Plus, our parents drank lot. All of them. AA wasn't a thing. Even on cartoons such as Charlie Brown's Christmas, the adults spoke their own womb-womp language. So, what can be learned and gleaned? Self reliance. In today's political and "peak" climate, I can think of no better essay than Self Reliance by Emerson.