James the Mime

Art and Money

If I had one thing that I would do differently, or I would tell a young person who dreamed of making it in the arts, I would say get a day job that you are happy with or figure out a way to live with very little. I worked one time with a well-known prominent director, who has now passed. The man was horrible. Not only was he a horrible director (he had made one good film, the rest were rot and he had two Broadway musicals to his credit, which was a hit and one huge flop), but he was a horrible human being. He came, however, from a wealthy family and didn't need to be working. So if he failed at art, he didn't really care.

It turns out my favorite writer, JD Salinger, also had a trust fund. I have to say, I view his writing differently now. It's nice to have stability and not having it can be the cause of much suffering.